12 days to XenSummit

Just a quick reminder that XenSummit is in 12 days. Since the agenda was published a few weeks back, there have been some additions.

  • AB Periasamy, CTO, Gluster, discusses how the Gluster OpenStack Connector brings scale-out unified file and object storage capability to Xen and OpenStack.
  • Also pre-registration for Lighning talks and Lunchtime BoFs for Aug 2 are already full, but there is still some space for Aug 3. If you do want to register, fill out the on-line form or register on the day

I will hopefully also be able to reveal the Amazon speaker and details of the Amazon keynote soon. All other information, such as abstracts, detailed agenda, hotel information, registration is available on the XenSummit portal.

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Let’s Grow Xen Together!

Xen is open, secure, and built for the future. As the new Community Manager, I’m focused on growing the Xen community, welcoming new contributors, and ensuring a thriving ecosystem. Let’s build the future of virtualization together!

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Welcome Honda to the Xen Project Board

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