
Dell and HP to Certify and Resell all Three Oracle Operating Systems – Oracle Solaris, Oracle Enterprise Linux and Oracle VM – on their

Great news for from Oracle – News Facts * Oracle today announced Dell and HP will certify and resell Oracle Solaris, Oracle Enterprise Linux and Oracle VM on their respective x86 platforms. * Customers will have full access to Oracle’s Premier Support

Xen User Group LA Meets Tomorrow

For those of you in the LA area, why not attend the first Xen User group meeting hosted by BitSource and Xen.og with Jeremy Fitzhardinge of the Xen community being the featured speaker. Information on the meeting is at PS – Attendees will get the

Xen Directions South America Agenda Announcement

Xen Directions South America is 1 month away and I am pleased to release the current agenda which is in final review with the event organizers and Linuxcon Brazil team. Agenda I will be updating the event home page at with this agenda

Project ThreeEyes Officially Announced

Xen Community – As you are well aware, over the past 2+ years I have made numerous changes to the website ( to make it easer to use for developers, users, researchers, journalists, customers, etc.  However, in that time I have not been able to

Yahoo! to use Xen for Cloud

From  Alessandro Perilli: In a roundtable hosted by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) that took place last month, the Vice President of Cloud Computing at Yahoo! Surendra Reddy revealed that the search giant is adopting the open source hypervisor Xen. The

Request for Comment: Virtual disk configuration, PV vs. emulated, backward

Ian Campbell has proposed the following in xen-devel at Currently the configuration syntax available in a domain configuration has several ways of specifying devices, some of which have slightly unexpected semantics wrt whether or not an emulated device is created,

XCP Documentation Update

I have taken down the Xen Cloud Platform Administrative Guide from the website for some maintenance. Several people have found some content that needed to be removed and I am having problems re-converting the updated XML file into pdf. The document will remain UNDER CONSTRUCTION until I can Source Code License Change Request

A few weeks back, Ian Campbell and Stefano Stabellini proposed that some files in the community have their license changed: The Xen source base includes two low level libraries (  and which provide low level services to toolstacks and  other components of the Xen system.

XenClient - It works!

I recently received a new laptop from Citrix as my old laptop was very suspect (as those of you at Xen Summit at AMD are aware) and took some time today to install the XenClient product. XenClient is the client hypervisor built within with some management features from

OpenNebula Position on OpenStack Announcement

I received this note from our friends at OpenNebula and thought I would post to a wider audience: Dear OpenNebula Community, As many of you know, a new open-source cloud platform, OpenStack, was recently announced. Here at OpenNebula, we think this is a very exciting development in the cloud community,

Community Manager to Court...

As I noted earlier this week, I did my Jury Service on Monday only to be selected for a trial this Friday. I anticipate being out all day Friday for the trial so I will not be sending out a weekly newsletter; however I have been keeping track of the

Xen Related Job Available

Adventium Labs, a leading-edge, high technology research and development organization, has an opening for a research staff position in cyber security. Our particular interest is in someone who has expertise in virtualization, both the problems raised by virtualization and the opportunities for increased security presented by virtualization. We currently have