We proudly announce that the Xen 4.3 RC-cycle has just started, with the tagging of 4.3.0-rc1 in our repository. Read the official announcement from George on xen-devel here. A tarball has been made available for ease and speed-up testing: Xen 4.3.0 RC1 Tarball (andÂ
Dario Faggioli
Dario has been interested in CS, programming and Open Source since like forever. He is now a very happy <a href="http://www.xen.org">Xen</a> developer, and <a href="http://www.citrix.com">Citrix</a>
Background and Motivation This blog already hosted a couple of stories about what is going on, in the Xen development community, regarding improving Xen NUMA support. Therefore, if you really are interested in some background and motivation, feel free to check them out: * NUMA and Xen: Part I, Introduction * NUMA
Xen.org blog already hosted a very nice post by Ian Jackson, greatly explaining how useful xen-tools is for automatically installing Debian (and Debian-derived) VMs. Now, if this all happens on a Debian host, it is nice and easy, as getting xen-tools is just a matter of apt-get install-ing it.
As usual, Fedora has planned a number of test days for their upcoming Fedora 18 release, including include a Virtualization Test Day on November 1st (tomorrow!). We are therefore calling all our community members to participate in the test day as much as possible. Specific information regarding testing Xen on
Figuring out “what’s going on?” is always something very important. For example, knowing what processes were running on which processors can be very useful if you are doing OS development and/or performances evaluation. If applied to virtualization, that turns into figuring out what VMs were running on which
Where were we? So, here it is what we said up to now. Basically: 1. NUMA is becoming increasingly common; 2. properly dealing with NUMA is important for performance; 3. one can tweak Xen for NUMA, but it would be nice for that to happen automagically! So, let’s tackle
NUMA? What’s NUMA? Having to deal with a Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) machine is becoming more and more common. This is true no matter whether you are part of an engineering research center with access to one of the first Intel SCC-based machines, a virtual machine hosting provider with