For those of you who want to hear Ian’s latest comments on Xen, etc – Doug Brown of has just posted a PodCast at
From (
n episode 67, Douglas Brown interviews Ian Pratt, Vice President of Advanced Products for Citrix Systems, Inc.  Ian is also the co-founder of XenSource, the company Citrix bought and turned into the XenServer solution, along with the head of development of the Xen open-source hypervisor project. Needless to say we were very excited to have Ian on the show.  Ian and Douglas discuss Ian’s role at Citrix along with his views on everything from client side hypervisors to virtualization security, to the differences between the Xen hypervisor and Citrix’s XenServer hypervisor. Douglas and Ian also discuss the following subjects:
- Who is Ian Pratt
- Pro and Cons of Virtualization
- Client side Hypervisors
- Virtualization Security
- History of Xen Hypervisor
- Difference between Xen Hypervisor and Citrix XenServer
- A bit about the Community
- Benefits of paravirtualization and enlightenment
- Memory Overcommitment
- Plus much more…