Improvements to Xen Documentation

Generated Xen Documentation

As you may remember from the last two Xen Documentation Days, we looked at creating Xen documentation from source. This has now been implemented and

are available from the website as well as in the Xen Wiki.

New and Improved Wiki

Xen has a new Mediawiki based wiki and most content has been migrated (a few less frequently used documents still need to be migrated). We put quite a lot of effort into making existing content more accessible through use of wiki categories. You can navigate the Wiki now by:

We expect that the Wiki will grow, but the Wiki content is already much more accessible than before. We don’t always know what you need: if you have a suggestion, just add a suggestion to the Talk/Discussion tab of a page. We still need to do quite a lot of work, such as:

  • Create more beginner documents
  • Refactor existing documents such as HowTos, Tutorials, etc. such that they can be more easily found (an example of how this will look like, can found under FAQs)
  • Create documents that help with performance tuning
  • Content that explain Xen’s Security functionality
  • Etc

I especially wanted to thank our passionate volunteers, who have helped migrate the content and started to translate wiki pages to other languages.

Services, Products, Projects and Case Studies

We also have re-worked the Xen Services, Products and Products Pages, which show Xen based Products, Projects, Services, Consultancy and Research. If you want to be added to these pages, please fill out this form.

We also introduced a page for Case Studies, that show why and how some of our community members use Xen.

XenSummit Asia Presentations and Videos are available

I have edited most of the XenSummit videos and started publishing them on the XenSummit Asia page. More videos will follow in the next few days.

Website Improvement Project

Now that we migrated all of our websites to Rackspace Hosting, we can start focussing on creating a new website. I would like to know what you think we need to fix: this we created as survey for you to let us know.

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Let’s Grow Xen Together!

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