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Xen API Community Project - Meeting #2

The second meeting for the Xen API Community Project is scheduled with 2 Citrix engineers joining the call to answer questions raised in our last meeting. Meeting info: July 2, 2008  from 1:30 – 2:30 pm EST 1.888.371.8921 Int’l:

Xen Summit Boston Attendees Information

For those of you coming to Xen Summit next week, I have created a short overview document with information on event check-in, local restaurants, etc.  The file can be found in the Wiki.

Running Xen Book Press Release

From Clarkson University, Also, the Xen training day session for USENIX is the second most registered for class at USENIX Technical Conference; we are only 1 person behind the most registered for class so I expect it to be a photo

Ian Pratt Interview on

Here are three links to a recent Ian Pratt interview with Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3

Xen API Community Project

Quick update for those of you following the Xen API Community project – I am close to having a Xen developer from Citrix confirmed for our next meeting to answer questions about the API specifications. Since Xen Summit is coming up, I am planning on having this 2nd project meeting the

Xen Summit Online Registration Closes June 16

128 people are now registered for Xen Summit in 2 weeks and I look forward to meeting with everyone in Boston. As a reminder, online registration will close next Monday, June 16 at noon (PDT). All registration after that time will be onsite beginning Saturday, June 21, 5-7pm and then

Running Xen Book Slashdotted!

Congrats to the authors of Running Xen for having a book review on slashdot…

Xen Summit Boston Agenda

Here it is, the final (is it every final) Xen Summit Boston Agenda along with a separate document containing the topic abstracts. xensummit_agenda.pdf xensummit_presentationtopics.pdf Extended abstracts on topics being presented at A big thanks for the incredible

Xen Summit Topic Postings

The Program Committee for Xen Summit Boston has almost completed the creation of the event agenda and it should be available for public consumption tomorrow afternoon (EST). As there was a limited number of speaking slots available, several interesting and worthwhile topics had to be rejected for the event. To

Need a Roomate for Xen Summit in Boston?

I received a request from a Xen Summit attendee looking for a roommate to share the hotel costs in Boston. If you are interested, please send me an email and I will put you in touch with that person. Email:

Xen Summit Boston - Still Not Registered?

Xen Summit Boston is rapidly approaching and the Program Committee is almost complete with topic selection. Topics from Xen development partners such as Intel, AMD, IBM, Citrix, etc will be presented alongside with research from universities such as Clarkson, India Institute of Technology, University of Toronto, Binghamton, University of Maryland,

New Xen Mailing List (xen-research)

I have created a new xen-mailing list for those people interested in discussing research related topics for Xen. The email is and you can register at