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Xen 4.2.1 and 4.1.4 released

I am pleased to announce the release of Xen 4.2.1 and Xen 4.1.4. These are available immediately from the following locations * Xen 4.2.1: mercurial repository (tag RELEASE-4.2.1) or via the Xen 4.2.1 download page on * Xen 4.1.

Security disclosure process discussion update

After concluding our poll about changes to the security discussion, we determined that “Pre-disclosure to software vendors and a wide set of users” was probably the best fit for the community. A set of concrete changes to the policy have now been discussed on xen-devel (here and here), and we

Linux Stub-Domain

The “Normal” Case To explain what is a Stub-Domain (often called stubdom), let’s start with the basics. When you start a new guest with Xen, you would need a Device Model which does some emulation if the guest does not have PV drivers. This is the case for

XCP 1.6 Releases
11/27/2012 is happy to announce that XCP 1.6 has been released! The release is available from the download page: * XCP 1.6: Download (Xapi source) New features and Improvements XCP 1.6 has many new features and improvements, most notably Storage XenMotion, Live VDI Migration, improved integration with

Xen Cloud Platform 1.6 Releases

Cambridge, UK 11/27/2012 –, home of the open source Xen hypervisor, today announced the availability of Xen Cloud Platform 1.6 (or short XCP), an industry-leading virtualization platform for companies to create and manage virtual infrastructures for servers, desktops and clouds. XCP 1.6 strengthens its server

Improving block protocol scalability with persistent grants

The blkback/blkfront drivers developed by the original Xen team was lightweight and fast zero-copy protocol that has served well for many years. However, as the number of physical cores and the number of guests have increased on systems, we have begun to identify some bottlenecks to scalability. This prompted

News from Linaro Connect

A couple of weeks ago I went to Copenhagen to attend Linaro Connect and Ubuntu Developer Summit for the first time. I was really impressed by the size of the conference, I wasn’t expecting so many people, it certainly rivals LinuxCon in terms of attendance. All the best minds

The Paravirtualization Spectrum, Part 2: From poles to a spectrum

In part 1 of this series, I introduced the concepts of full virtualization and paravirtualization (PV), as well as the hardware virtualization (HVM) feature used by Xen (among other things) to implement full virtualization. I also introduced the concept of installing paravirtualized drivers on a fully virtualized system. This small

Fedora 18 Virtualization Test Day

As usual, Fedora has planned a number of test days for their upcoming Fedora 18 release, including include a Virtualization Test Day on November 1st (tomorrow!). We are therefore calling all our community members to participate in the test day as much as possible. Specific information regarding testing Xen on

Results from the XCP User Survey

A few weeks ago, we launched our first XCP User Survey. We nearly had 500 responses when I compiled a preliminary analysis of the survey results. First, I wanted to thank everybody who participated. Of all respondents 38% of respondents are using XCP today, 40% are evaluating XCP or planning

The Paravirtualization Spectrum, part 1: The Ends of the Spectrum

At XenSummit 2012 in San Diego, Mukesh Rathor from Oracle presented his work on a new virtualization mode, called “PVH”. Adding this mode, there are now a rather dizzying array of different terms thrown about — “HVM”, “PV”, “PVHVM”, “PVH” — what do they all mean? And why do we have so on

One of the issues in any software project can be the disconnect between what users want or would find useful, and the developers’ idea of what users want or would find useful, and Xen is no exception. To help address this issue, we are starting to experiment with a website