After nearly two weeks of travelling (Xen Hackathon two weeks ago, the Open World Forum last week), I have finally managed to publish location details, hotel information and the first 10 talks for XenSummit Asia, held Nov 2-3 in Seoul, Korea. I wanted to thank the Program Committe Members Mr.
Announcements (page 13)
One of the fun things about a hackathon is the chance to get everyone together in a room and just talk about crazy ideas you might try at some point in the future. One of the advantage that a certain competing virtualization technology has over Xen is that you don’
It is day 3 of the Munich Hackathon and I wanted to thank Fujitsu and Jürgen Groß for hosting and organizing the event, as well as the social activities in the evening. Besides the coding, networking and getting to know each other which is always a key part of
As you may know, Fedora 16 will have full Xen support for Dom0 and DomU in it. Fedora is planning a number of test days as part of their release cycle, including a Virtualization Test on September 15th this year, which is tomorrow. We are calling our community members to
The talk submission system for Xen Summit Asia, held Nov 2-3 in Seoul, Korea is now open for for anyone interested in speaking this year. All speakers are required to submit their topic by Sept 16th, 2011 using the online tool or by e-mailing All submitted
I’d like to introduce you to Thomas Goirand, who has volunteered to help us package the XenAPI toolstack for Debian as part of the Kronos project. Thomas is a Debian package maintainer and CEO of GPLHost. Thomas attended DebConf in Bosnia two weeks ago, where he did a great
Just a quick note to say thank you to Amazon Web Services and Citrix a thank you for sponsoring XenSummit, to Mark Templeton for opening the summit, to all the speakers which kept our community captivated and to all the attendees of XenSummit – our Xen community. Without you, XenSummit would
The XenSummit party has just finished. Not much time to put a blog post together, but I wanted to share a photo collage with you. Thank you all for such a good day, and a thank you to Citrix and Amazon Web Services again for sponsoring the summit. Videos and
Quite a lot has happened the last few days and I seem to be forever catching up on reporting what is going on, rather than doing this in a timely matter. As a result, this post will be a potpourri of brief updates. Linux 3 with Xen support has been
The XCP team would like to formally announce Project Kronos, our port of XCP’s XenAPI toolstack to Debian and Ubuntu dom0. This will give users the ability to install Debian or Ubuntu, and then just do ‘apt-get install xapi’ in order to build a system that is (roughly) functionally
Just a quick reminder that XenSummit is in 12 days. Since the agenda was published a few weeks back, there have been some additions. * AB Periasamy, CTO, Gluster, discusses how the Gluster OpenStack Connector brings scale-out unified file and object storage capability to Xen and OpenStack. * Also pre-registration for Lighning
Another guest blog post by Wei Liu, one of our Google Summer of Code students. Hi everybody, it’s midterm of Google Summer of Code now, let me tell you what I’ve done and learned during this period. I started working on the project in the community bonding period.