Check out this cool label for the soon to be released Xen Live DVD; thanks to Marco Sinhoreli – Thiago Martins and Linux Magazine folks for this great new label. Come to Xen Directions South America to get your Xen Live DVD or watch this blog for update on the posting
Announcements (page 17)
The final agenda for Xen Directions is available: English – Portuguese I will post the Speaker Profile document later today at Thanks to Marco Sinhoreli and Boris Quiroz for their great efforts in putting together this event.
Post from Monica Kumar at Oracle: Check out this short animated demo of Oracle VM that shows key capabilities and benefits for users. In about 4 minutes, it walks through Oracle’s strategy with Oracle VM, gives a quick tour of a few key features, and explains Oracle’s focus
Here are the final data points for July 2010 : GR_StatsJuly2010 Highlights: * June and July 2010 Google Statistics stabilized around 78,000 unique visitors * Increase of XCP downloads 20% (June to July 2010) * Xen-Users question answer rate DOWN from 82.12% to 75.45% * Facebook and LinkedIn Xen Groups continue
I’ve just tagged 4.0.1-rc5 in Please test! — Keir
I have just published a new mini-White Paper- Why Xen? to the website. Please take a look and let me know of any changes you would like to see. There are always room for improvements so let me know what you would like added or changed. I anticipate
Welcome to the weekly newsletter with a variety of information to keep you updated on all things Xen. Please feel free to contact me with suggestions for the newsletter. Xen News * Dell and HP to sell Oracle VM (Xen based) –
For those of you in the LA area, why not attend the first Xen User group meeting hosted by BitSource and Xen.og with Jeremy Fitzhardinge of the Xen community being the featured speaker. Information on the meeting is at PS – Attendees will get the
Xen Directions South America is 1 month away and I am pleased to release the current agenda which is in final review with the event organizers and Linuxcon Brazil team. Agenda I will be updating the event home page at with this agenda
Xen Community – As you are well aware, over the past 2+ years I have made numerous changes to the website ( to make it easer to use for developers, users, researchers, journalists, customers, etc. However, in that time I have not been able to
Ian Campbell has proposed the following in xen-devel at Currently the configuration syntax available in a domain configuration has several ways of specifying devices, some of which have slightly unexpected semantics wrt whether or not an emulated device is created,
A few weeks back, Ian Campbell and Stefano Stabellini proposed that some files in the community have their license changed: The Xen source base includes two low level libraries ( and which provide low level services to toolstacks and other components of the Xen system.