Welcome to the new Xen.org weekly newsletter with a variety of information to keep you updated on all things Xen. This newsletter is an upgrade from my previous weekly communications and is meant to offer a broader scope of Xen.org activities. Please feel free to contact me with
Announcements (page 31)
As you may have noticed, I am increasing the number of events that Xen.org attends with booths or presentations in 2010. So far, I have booked Xen.org at SCALE, Citrix Synergy, and SouthEast LinuxFest. Of course, these events are all in the US and I am looking to
The new Xen.org overview brochure in Chinese is now available here. Thanks to Zhang Hu for his translation efforts.
The Xen Summit North America at AMD Program Committee is now formed and is a great collection of community members from various global locations, corporations, universities, and users. The following community members are participating in the program committee: * Boris Quiroz * Anil Madhavapeddy * Dan Magenheimer * Jose Renato G Santos * Hitoshi Oi
I received an email today from SlideShare.net with the Xen statistics for 2009 and I thought I would share: * 90 Presentations Uploaded * 25,895 viewings of those presentations * 288 average views per presentation The most popular presentation for 2009: Xen Memory Management View more presentations from Stephen Spector.
I have already received some great entries for the Mascot contest and thougth I would share some of the ideas to try and spark some more submissions from the community. Remember, the winner will receive a $100 based on the final community vote. * Panda in the lotus position with a
Are you planning to attend an event in 2010 where you will be speaking about the Xen hypervisor, Xen.org community, or any other product from Xen such as XCP or XCI? If so, I am looking for you. Please send me details on the event you are speaking at
RC2 is tagged:Â http://xenbits.xensource.com/xen-unstable.hg tagged 4.0.0-rc2 A fair few issues reported on RC1 are fixed. Please test!
I have decided to take Xen.org to another event this year to further promote our technology and open source message – Citrix Synergy in San Francisco, CA May 11-13, 2010. Here is how the event is described on the main event site: Synergy is the industry’s only conference focused
Thanks to Marco Sinhoreli for his efforts in translating the Xen.org Overview slides from English to Portuguese. The slides are now available for everyone to use at http://www.xen.org/files/Marketing/XenOverview_portg.pdf or at SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net/xen_com_mgr/xenorg-overview-portuguese. I expect
The SCALE Conference held next month in Los Angeles has announced the final event schedule for Feb 19 – 21. I am presenting on Sunday at 3pm – 4pm on “Open Source Virtualization the Xen Way!” There will also be a Xen.org booth at the event so stop by and say