As it is widely know, really tough Open Source users –the ones that wear sandals, colored hats of various kind, and are equipped with long enough UNIX beards— always install software via tarballs and some good old ./configure-make-make-install-fu! Then there are the developers, who couldn’t care less about installing:
xen project developer and design summit (page 2) blog already hosted a very nice post by Ian Jackson, greatly explaining how useful xen-tools is for automatically installing Debian (and Debian-derived) VMs. Now, if this all happens on a Debian host, it is nice and easy, as getting xen-tools is just a matter of apt-get install-ing it.
Thanks to a great suggestion from Pradeep Padala, I have created a new page on the website listing papers written about Xen technology or from research using Xen technology. The page is currently live at but is not yet linked within
I am back with more tutorials on Xen Cloud Platform (XCP); this time with instructions on creating and starting a new Windows 7 guest from a CD. NOTE – I am running the Windows 7 guest as HVM and have not tried to load the Windows PV Drivers that come with
Here is an updated version of the VGA Passthrough video: Thanks to Mr. Teo En Ming for the updated video.
Congrats to the community for winning the 2009 Best of Open Source Middleware and Platforms from Infoworld. The complete list of winners is at
Hi all, Together with some other coworkers we have been working on a reference implementation of the security through isolation concept using virtualization. This project is using Xen to provide a contained virtualized environment where malware can run without affecting the whole system. The goal for this project is to
Here is the first new “case study” from the new Xen Around the World Project. Scot Stevenson detailed a project to use Xen for the creation of a backup Time Machine server. Info from Scot: These are my notes on how I set up a Ubuntu Linux server at home