USENIX LISA 08 Conference

The community will again be running a full day training session at an upcoming USENIX Event – LISA ’08. For those of you going to event or looking for a hands on approach to Xen training, the community will be hosting the following training session on Monday November 10th from 9am to 5pm – Introduction to the Open Source Xen Hypervisor. The class is be taught by myself along with 2 co-authors of the Running Xen book out of Clarkson University: Zach Shepard and Wenjin Hu.
Here is the conference information on LISA:
LISA ’08:
22nd Large Installation System Administration Conference
November 9-14, 2008, San Diego, CA
Early Bird Registration Deadline: October 17, 2008 Sponsored by USENIX and SAGE
LISA comes to San Diego,  November 9-14, 2008.  As always, the breadth and quality of this year’s tutorials, refereed papers, invited talks, and participants are excellent. Some highlights:
Take advantage of the popular 6 days of training. Select from over 50 tutorials taught by highly expert instructors, including:
— Mark Burgess on Integrating Cfengine into Organizational Service Management
— Tom Christiansen on Advanced Perl
New in 2008: Virtualization and Solaris Tracks
Get 6 days of focused instruction by industry leaders including:
— Richard McDougall on VMware ESX Performance and Tuning
— James Mauro on Solaris 10 Performance, Observability, and Debugging
— And more . . .
The full training program can be found at
In addition to the training, 3 days of technical sessions include top-notch refereed papers, informative invited talks, expert Guru Is In sessions, and a poster session:
* Our 20+ invited talks feature our most impressive slate of speakers to date. They include:
— Keynote Address: “Implementing Intellipedia Within a ‘Need to Know’
Culture,” by Sean Dennehy, Chief of Intellipedia Development, Directorate of Intelligence, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
— Plenary Session: “Reconceptualizing Security,” by Bruce Schneier, Chief Security Technology Officer, BT
–Plenary Session: “The State of Electronic Voting, 2008,” by David Wagner, University of California, Berkeley
LISA is the premier forum for presenting new research in system administration. We selected papers  showcasing state-of-the-art work on topics including configuration management, parallel systems deployment, virtualization, and security.
Explore the latest commercial innovations at the Vendor Exhibition:
For complete program information and to register, see
Early registration discounts for LISA ’08, taking place November 9-14, 2008, in Dallas, are now available. Register by Friday, October 17, and save up to $300!
WHAT:    LISA ’08: 22nd Large Installation System Administration
WHEN:    November 9-14, 2008
WHERE:  San Diego, CA
WHO:       System Administrators, Network Administrators, CIOs, CTOs,
Researchers, Tool Providers, Support and Help Desk personnel, etc.
WHY:      To get to and stay on the cutting edge of computer system

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