Xen Summit Tokyo (Asia) Call for Speakers

Xen Summit Tokyo (Asia) 2008 has completed the formation of a Program Committee and is actively looking for speakers interested in presenting their Xen work at this event. This 2-day event, November 20 & 21 at Fujitsu’s Labs, will be an in-depth examination of recent research, software development, and customer deployments of the open source Xen solution. Ian Pratt will be the featured speaker at this event as he gives his “State of the Project” presentation along with ideas on future areas of development for Xen. Please consider taking the time to speak at Xen Summit Tokyo (Asia) and help make this a
highly useful and educational event. Please submit your topic ideas for consideration to stephen.spector@citrix.com by October 15, 2008 and I will ensure that it is considered by the Xen Summit Program Committee. All submissions should include a topic and short abstract in either Japanese or English. If you have any additional questions, please contact
stephen.spector@citrix.com and I will see that your questions are answered promptly.
Event Language – this event will be primarily in Japanese and we are offering Japanese translation for speakers who present in English.

Xen Summit Tokyo (Asia) 2008 発表者募集について

Xen Summit Tokyo (Asia) 2008 プログラム委員会では、Xenに関する発表を募集しています。

Xen Summitは、11月20日(木)と21日(金)の2日間、富士通幕張システムラボラトリにて開





プロジェクトリーダのIan Prattも本イベントへの参加は勿論、Xenプロジェクトの現状と


皆さまの発表により、ぜひXen Summit Tokyo (Asia)を実りのあるイベントにしていきま




応募内容については、Xen Summitプログラム委員会での審査の後、採択が決定されます。





 投稿・質問あて先: stephen.spector@citrix.com

Xen Summit Tokyo (Asia) 2008 プログラム委員会

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